World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement 20160111: Important Reminder

World Buddhism Association Headquarters

Announcement 20160111: Important Reminder

World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement 20160111: Important Reminder

The book Learning from Buddha is a precious treasure for attaining liberation and accomplishment. After its publishing, many selfless and kind people who genuinely learn from Buddha, as well as many masters who practice faithful Buddha Dharma, have placed their orders for it. There, however, are some masters who pretend as if they know nothing about this book and have not ordered this extremely precious Buddhist book. Why is that? To understand it, we must first understand the purpose of the Dharma, which Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III expounded in this book.

This Buddhist book teaches people to learn to be good and kind people, from being a kind and selfless person to advancing to be a real Buddhist and a qualified cultivator, and then from a Buddhist cultivator to becoming a holy person! But for an evil person, that book is like a mirror revealing their evilness. A wicked master would get so scared when they read it. They are afraid that seeing the book, their disciples would be so happy that they start ordering, promoting, and even distributing the book to people. But although those cheating and evil masters may be pretty cunning, they have neglected the fact they are foxes who cannot cover their tails. The highly precious Buddhist book will propagate worldwide, so how can it be concealed?

Buddhist disciples, if your master does not actively promote this treasure book, if they do not support it with all their might, and if their words and deeds do not match with this treasure book, then when you read this Buddhist book and check your master against it, you can realize why the master does not order this Buddhist book. You will know whether this master is a cheat, an evil person, or a master of faithful Buddha Dharma.

On the first page of this Buddhist book, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III says: “You remember this. The Dharma discourse Learning from Buddha, which I expound on today, will be published in a book. From this moment on, anyone seeking a Dharma transmission and Initiation from me must have this book with them. I will not transmit the Dharma or give the Initiation to those who haven’t studied the book. When you come to see me, someone will first interview you and check if you have brought the book with you. If you don’t have the book or haven’t studied the book seriously, I will not see you.

My disciples, should a master not bring this book with them, then that master is a cheat who does not learn what is right. Anyone who had taken refuge with that master must leave at once! Otherwise, you will for sure be contaminated by sinful karma. Why? Because it means the master is irresponsible for living beings and does not practice the correct ways. They only want to be a cheat to hurt Buddhist disciples. I can say that the master must set up all sorts of rules for their followers, and these rules must be based on fragmented paragraphs and distorted meanings taken from the sutras. They must have erroneously changed the sutra teachings; their lessons must be full of errors, in violation of the Buddhist teachings and precepts, and filled with evil. Such a master is either an evil person or a cheat one hundred percent! No matter who they professed to be reincarnated from, however high their status is—may it even be a venerable, a great dharma king, a great rinpoche, or a great dharma master, they are nothing but an evil man under the cloak of a master’s robe.”

It’s crucial to understand that, regardless of your status or the purpose of your visit, if you wish to formally meet H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III without reading this book, you will be turned away at the first interview. In that case, how would it be possible for you to be qualified to be received by the Buddha? If you cannot even enter the door, you can forget about getting a Dharma transmission and Initiation by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!


United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters

October 12, 2016

(Eric Huang translated this announcement into English. Last revised on 2024-08-30.)


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