World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement No. 20160102: The definitive sense of the level from the test and the robe that indicate one’s Dharma capability and accomplishment
To protect Buddhist disciples from falling prey to deceit and lies, it is decreed that the master, to whom Buddhist disciples prostrate themselves, must take the test to determine their status. The test tells whether they are holy or ordinary and what accomplishment they have attained. The test result is given per the Dharma rather than the person, based on the definitive meaning, not the provisional meaning. No matter how high the status someone has, it only counts if they have taken the test. If they dare not take the test, it proves there are severe problems with that master, whom you must not trust even if their fame is higher than the sky.
Unless determined by the exam, no matter what a venerable dharma king or a certified reincarnated rinpoche one professes to be is untrustable. Additionally, a person can gain or recede according to whether their cultivation is good or bad before reaching the stage of a non-retrograde Bodhisattva. Consequently, they don’t have the definitive status of accomplishment, even if they may have the nirvana path-fruit (泥丸道果), had their crown opened deep and wide via the Vajra Change-body Zen (金剛換體禪), can show the Tummo Samadhi (拙火三昧) power, can have their consciousness exit the body, or can practice a Dharma to invite a Bodhisattva to manifest holiness and empower the disciples.
The Vajra Faman Selection Dharma (金剛法曼擇決), the Knowing in Advance and Foretelling Dharma (先知預言), or the Selection From One Hundred Dharma Bright Gates in Total Darkness Dharma (百法明門黑關擇決) must be performed to verify a master’s status and realization capability with 100% certainty. Otherwise, that master must have passed the test through the Vajra Array or the Eight-wind Array to get the corresponding level and the robe.
Unless that master can prove themselves by showing the even higher Dharma ability to Establish a Mandala Through A Stone Slab (隔石建壇) or by being able to perform the Holy Inner-tantric Initiation, where the disciple holds a Vajra Ball that is as big as a pea in their hand and the master stands five meters away from the disciple. The master practices the Dharma to make the Vajra Ball in the hands of the disciple go through a holy transformation or dance. Any other miraculously manifested phenomenon is not a component of divine accomplishment. However, to concretely tell the master’s level of capability, their level from the test and the robe must be checked for confirmation. Only then can their level of ability be known. The following are the details to ascertain the actual status of a master definitively:
First, the people taking this year’s test to examine their Buddhist status must go through the one-hundred-problem written test on Sutra, Vinaya, and Shastra. Then, they must be verified through Famen Gongyu (法門宮羽) to get the certificate of eligibility for the test before they can be qualified to take the holy test. If they can get the certificate of eligibility for the test, but their score from the written test is too low, they cannot take the holy test either.
There are two ways to take the holy test. The first is to write all your strong suits in one document and take one test on all of them. The second is to write your items separately and take tests individually. There can be three types of indication, especially for Blue Button Level 3, which is a fundamental and critical level before advancing up to the Gold Button level. One can only get three blue buttons if one gets Blue Button Level 3 in one test. If one retakes the test and gets Blue Button Level 3 again, one will add a small black button to the three blue buttons one already had. If one takes the test for the third time and gets Blue Button Level 3 again, one adds another small black button. In that case, there will be three blue and two little black buttons, totaling five. The master is called Blue Button Level 3, having the status of the Runde.
If you still have more individual items that you would like to take the test on, in such a case, you cannot take the Blue Button test anymore. Instead, you will receive the advanced test for the Gold Button. You will then write all the items you have been tested on for the Blue Button Level 3 in one combined document and take the Gold Button Level 1 test directly. Your previous Blue Button level will remain if you fail the Gold Button test. If you pass the Gold Button test, you will add one gold button to your robe, which maintains the original three blue and two small black buttons, amounting to six. You will become a Holy and Virtuous One of Gold Button Level One.
If you see a master having only three blue buttons, it says that the master has only passed the test for Blue Button Level 3 once. If you see three blue buttons and an additional small black button, it says that the master has passed the Blue Button Level 3 test twice on two separate items. If you see three blue buttons and two small black buttons, then it says that the master has passed the test for Blue Button Level 3 three independent times, each on a different item. It is tough to obtain Blue Button Level 1 from the test. You may only be able to find one such person in two to three thousand Buddhist cultivators. Blue Button Level 2 is naturally higher than Blue Button Level 1, and all who have Blue Button Level 3 have the Runde status, which is extremely rare. It is hard to find one such person among one thousand masters or rinpoches. The Gold Button levels are the rarest among the rarest.
However, all the masters taking the test must understand that the headquarters has detailed records of everyone who comes to take the test for people to check. The Holy Test Inquiry Team will tell your test results factually to whoever is inquiring but will not expose your score from the written test on the Sutra, Vinaya, and Sustra. We will reply with how many times you have taken the test, and in each time which item you received the test as well as what level you obtained, whether or not you were engulfed in the Samsara Black Region (輪迴黑界), whether you were unable to enter the Safe and Auspicious Region (平安吉界) that was right in front of you and fell to the ground or as soon as you had entered the Safe and Auspicious Region, you were pushed out of it by the eight winds, and whether you fell to the ground unconsciously and the four great guardians hauled out your body, but you recovered to safety by the master presiding over the mandala who practiced Dharma to save you.
Except for the robe a master wears, the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters also issues a Certificate of Level corresponding to the attire of the master who has achieved the level. If you find that the level and the certificate don’t match, then the robe the master wears is an act of falsehood and lying.
Additionally, we solemnly inform you that this holy and virtuous team will guarantee, with divine and virtuous righteousness, to everyone who calls or emails to inquire with us. We will keep the secret for you and will not reveal which master you are inquiring about or have inquired about.
This public announcement has now been published.
United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters
March 17, 2016
(Eric Huang translated this public announcement and last edited it on 2024-6-9.)