World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement 20150117

World Buddhism Association Headquarters

Announcement 20150117

World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement 20150117

The United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters is rather serious about the test it gives to the masters and holy gurus. The test is held in a few steps. First, all candidates must take the written test on theoretical Buddhist knowledge. After taking the written test, one can proceed to the qualification check by Famen Gongyu. Those who have passed the check are given an eligibility certificate. Only when one has the eligibility certificate can one enter the test site for the Holy Test. After one finishes the final Holy Test, one will be given a guru qualification certificate and a robe indicating the level one got from the Holy Test. The height of a master’s accomplishment can only be determined by the level the master gets!

Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III says: “Grasping theoretical Buddhist knowledge is necessary for a Buddhist cultivator to obtain correct understanding and views and to attain accomplishment and liberation. Those who are masters must be well-versed in Sutra, Vinaya, and Sastra. Otherwise, they may mistake evil, strange arguments, and feudal superstition for orthodox teachings. In today’s world, strange, violent, mystical, and chaotic evil views and understanding are rampantly misleading and deceiving people, occupying over 90% of the Buddhist field. Therefore, the written exam on the theoretical Buddhist teachings must be held. The test held by the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters this time is not to make things difficult with recondite Sutra, Vinaya, and Sastra for the masters and Buddhist cultivators taking the test. Rather, it contains questions on some basic, authentic Buddhist common knowledge. After the written test, those of you who are masters can have an elevated understanding and correct direction. You will know why you are not qualified to teach the scriptures and how bad your levels are. Only in such a way can we minimize the problem of misleading Buddhist cultivators.” His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III says: “I do not go for your holding the Holy Test with the arrays, but I quite approve of testing people on the theoretical Buddhist teachings with the written exam.”

This Headquarters especially reminds you of this. After realizing that they must take the written test, some people who had been registered to take the Holy Test got panicked and asked to withdraw from the written test with all kinds of excuses. How strange that is! If you dare to call yourself a holy guru, why are you afraid of the written test? Such conduct has unintentionally revealed the falsity nature of these people. They know very well they are faking to be a holy guru, a Bodhisattva, or some female holy being, but inside, they are nothing but a clueless neophyte in Buddhist teachings and Buddha Dharma. They are doing nothing but cheating the disciples. Once they take the written test this time, their true colors will be exposed, and they will no longer have an opportunity to deceive people in the world. They would rather not get the holiness level certificate than have their mask ripped apart. So, their best strategy is to evade the written test completely. Little do they know, all Buddhist disciples already know well, that a master who dares not even take the test must be a fake and a liar!

Therefore, all Buddhist disciples must exercise caution. You must no longer follow anyone who registered to take the test with the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters but withdrew from it or calls themselves a reincarnated holy being but dares not take it. You must no longer let them deceive you because such a person is a liar!

This Headquarters received a letter from a Buddhist who said that their greatly treasured vajra master had the title of the reincarnation of a famous holy being whom everyone knows. We will not say whether that master is a male or a female. That master said to this Buddhist: “You know me the best. I have never mistreated you in all these years. I am making a living only with this title as a reincarnated holy being. If I were to take the written test on Buddhist teachings, I would undoubtedly be finished. How will we develop our organization moving forward? I don’t want to get the holiness level certificate. You report to them that I ran into some trouble or accident and had to withdraw from the written test.” (The Buddhist says:) “I was shocked when I heard it. I felt sad. I worked as hard as possible under his direction while promoting him. I had never thought he was such an impostor when faced with the test. How could that be true for the reincarnated great holy being I had always respected and relied on? Therefore, here to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I must deeply repent for my unknowingly helping evil to make evil. I have decided to correct my bad, pursue the good, and earnestly cultivate myself. I beseech Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to take me as a disciple.”

The Headquarters has decided that the scores from the written test will not be disclosed publicly. The test candidates will not know one another’s score either. The goal of our United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters is to help these masters or the so-called holy beings and holy female deities to know how much they weigh themselves, whether they are experts or novices, and whether they are ordinary men feigning as holy or true holy gurus!

We especially inform you once again that if a person has not taken the written test, they can never receive the qualification from Famen Gongyu and will not get the qualification certificate. They will not be eligible for the Holy Test and henceforth cannot wear the robe with buttons indicating their level. Anyone not wearing the buttons but claiming to be a holy guru is a liar and a demon! A holy guru must possess holy realization powers. That is not something an ordinary person, a liar, or a demon could fake!

The Great Rinpoche Wangzha Shangzun has decided that He will put forward the Buddha-bestowed Amrit, which He respectfully obtained from the Tremendously Holy One, and give a holy power demonstration and blessing. He will allow people to select one, two or three elders over 60 who, after being blessed (by the Amrit) for ten to twenty minutes, will rejuvenate to the looks of 20 or 30. To more clearly see the contrast, one-half of the face will be blessed first. In such a way, the sky-and-earth contrast between the side of the face being blessed and the side of the face not being blessed can be seen directly, and people can see what authentic Buddha Dharma is on the spot. Faithful Buddha Dharma is not what impostors or liars could ever reach!

In fact, the effect and phenomena of blessing are very closely related to one’s karma force and piety. You will understand this once you respectfully listen to the audio recording of the Dharma discourse titled “The Effect of Blessing” by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

Wangzha Shangzun said this is the second time in His life that He is doing something quite absurd like this. He knows well that it is sinful and unbearably vulgar, and He also knows that it will affect His accomplishment. But to protect living beings and to edify evil masters so that they can correct their wrongs and pursue good, let it be sinful and vulgar one more time.



The United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters

November 25, 2015

(Eric Huang is responsible for translating this announcement into English. It was last revised on 2024-08-30.)


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
