Important Replies from Holy Virtuous Ones and Eminent Monastics Answer 13
On Day 13 of the Lunar year
H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III does not have an inner-tantric mandala. Currently, no inner-tantric mandala meets the two significant stipulations of the Dharma in the United States of America. Based on what we know, Great Dharma King Dodrupchen IV Thupten Trinle Palzang, Wangzha Shangzun, and tremendously holy gurus of Gold Button Level 4, who are not named here, can perform authentic inner-tantric initiations. However, no inner-tantric mandala is currently established in the United States of America or China. We have not heard about any dharma king of other sects and schools who have successfully established an inner-tantric mandala that truly conforms to the stipulations of the Dharma. Because there exists no inner-tantric mandala now, authentic inner-tantric initiations cannot be performed now. In short, no great dharma king or venerable one who has not attained Gold Button Level 3 can preside over an authentic inner-tantric initiation in an inner-tantric mandala that meets the two significant stipulations of the Dharma.
Some Buddhist disciples said, “I am not stupid! I want to learn from Buddha, not an inner-tantric initiation. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has said that many Dharma methods in learning from Buddha can lead to accomplishment. I can still attain accomplishment by learning other Dharma methods.”
What this disciple said is correct. However, you only know half the truth. It is fitting that any other Buddha Dharma can lead to accomplishment. Still, you forgot the Dharma expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha says that it takes three great asankhyeya kalpas to attain accomplishment and liberation. Additionally, one must broadly practice the six paramitas in all acts. Only through receiving an inner-tantric initiation can one learn the Buddha Dharma that enables one to attain accomplishment in seven lifetimes, three lifetimes, or the current lifetime, or even to see the Yidam who is a Buddha or a Bodhisattva on the spot in person. No other practice of Buddha Dharma can do it except inner-tantric initiation.
Other Dharma methods require one to broadly practice the six paramitas in all acts through three great asankhyeya kalpas. That means it takes 3.84 billion years for one to become accomplished. If one does not practice the six paramitas in accord with the Dharma in these 3.84 billion years, one still will not attain accomplishment. Do you understand now? Can you again say that you are not stupid? We tell you clearly that there is no other way than the inner-tantric initiation that enables one to immediately see the holy state and realize holiness the moment one practices it.
As to what H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, all sects and schools are equal where He is because He is the Buddha encompassing the entire Buddhism. He is not sectarian. Can His Holiness the Buddha not treat the different sects and schools equally? Could He say which is high and which is low or fast and slow? Had Wangzha Shangzun not received a state-practice inner-tantric initiation from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, He would not have attained His current realization above Gold Button Level 3!
Wangzha Shangzun already announced last year that He would establish an inner-tantric mandala that meets the two significant stipulations of the Dharma publicly in the United States of America. Still, He did not have one hundred percent confidence in performing the Dharma of “Presenting a Petition to a Bodhisattva.” However, in the rare case that He cannot do it by Himself, He will respectfully beseech a Yuzun of Gold Button Level 4 to assist in “Presenting a Petition to a Bodhisattva” to build the mandala.
What you said is correct that Wangzha Shangzun had a completely different appearance every time He received eminent monastics and greatly virtuous ones. Additionally, Shangzun once applied the power of Tummo Concentration through one finger to remove hindrances for Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche, the head of the Vajrasana Temple. The temperature of the Tummo heat from His finger scorched Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche and caused her to scream. When His palm touched the head of Songjie Rinpoche, the head of the Macang Temple, Songjie Rinpoche collapsed on the spot due to the burning and had the fluid called Honey of Merit flow out of his head. Mozhi Jiaozun once contested Tummo power with Shangzun and was defeated. Shangzun has a profound accomplishment and should have no problem successfully establishing an inner-tantric mandala.
The Inquiry Center of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters
Written on behalf of the great holy gurus to answer questions raised
February 28, 2018
(Benxin originally translated the announcement into English. Eric Huang last edited it on 2024-08-30.)