The Achievements in Hetu Vidya by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the true incarnation of the primordial Buddha. The Hetu Vidya of the Buddha is so great that it encompasses all the logic, reasoning, and principles of the whole universe and the dharmadhatu. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, with His immeasurable mind of great kindness and compassion, descended into the Saha World. To save and benefit all living beings, He manifests the Buddha’s characteristic of a long and broad tongue and spins the Dharma Wheel at all times in response to those in the circumstance at hand, where He imparts mundane Dharma as well as holy Dharma in the clearest logic and most easily understood way while delving into profundity.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has authored innumerable writings to impart the 12 parts of Tripitaka and the four divisions of Tantra in succinct and pithy text. It is all for the purpose of saving and benefiting all living beings. From the audio voice and the written text of Buddha Dharma that are imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, we can clearly know that His achievement in Hetu Vidya is unknowably high and infinite!
There are over two thousand audio recordings of Dharma impartation by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. And among the published books authored by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III are The Supreme And Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation that contains over 100 thousand words, Imparting The Absolute Truth Via The Heart Sutra that has over 400 thousand words, What Is Cultivation, Learning From Buddha, The Pith of Buddha Dharma* (佛法精髓), Treatise On The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra* (般若波羅密多心經講義), Sustra of True Patriarch Dharma* (正達摩祖師論), and so on. The reasoning and argumentation are clear and precise, and the theory and the applications are perfectly integrated. They point out the path to accomplishing Bodhi for all Buddhist disciples in the world.
*Note by translator: the English names of these books need further confirmation