What Kind of Person is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III?

What Kind of Person is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III?


What Kind of Person is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III?


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(This is a translation from a Chinese newspaper article published on August 8, 2020)

Talking about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, some people say He is an extremely great person, and others think He is an excellent and miraculous man because He stays out of the limelight, but, at the same time, He does not seem to be an anchoret. He is not the same as the worldly people. His selflessness, breadth and profundity do not flow in the current of the ordinary people. His social status is absolutely beyond comparison to those notable Buddhist figures. We are so lucky to see the true origin of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III today. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has never been an anchoret in seclusion; just like Shakyamuni Buddha, He has excellent and profound prestige, broadly saves living beings and is open with nothing to hide. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s renowned fame is ringing worldwide and is the destination for all people’s hopes. Therefore, I will say a few things to let you all know, and you can immediately see the greatness of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

In 1987, the Chinese Paintings Research Academy of China’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Center was established. The young H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III took the rein as the Academy’s President. Because of that, many prominent newspapers, such as the People’s Daily, Wenhui Bao, and Hubei’s Daily, reported it. Several famous national-level persons, such as Liao Jingdan, Lu Ji, Wu Zhangchu, Yuan Xiaoyuan, Qian Juntao, and Xie Zhiliu, were the organization’s Honorary Presidents. The Academy’s advisors include Luo Zhanglong, Zang Kejia and so on.

Twenty-six years ago, the experts and scholars from 48 countries attending the Grand World’s Poets Cultural Conference assessed and endowed H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with the unique title “International Master of the Superior Class.” Then, Juan Antonio Samaranch, President of the International Olympic Committee, signed the certificate. At that time, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was included in China’s Annual Edition of Who’s Who.

In 1995, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III visited Taiwan and received the most ceremonious reception that was never seen before in world history. Over 20,000 people went to the airport to welcome H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The flowers were so abundant that they looked like ocean waves. More than 1,700 motorcars greeted H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and over ninety police motorcycles cleared the way. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha stayed in Taiwan for seven days, during which time the 13 mountain aborigine tribes respectfully elected Him to be the Chief in Chief of the entire Mountainous People. What world-astonishing prestige and impelling status that is!

Five years later, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III settled in the United States of America. He earned numerous prizes (in the U.S.), such as the President’s Gold Prize, the World Peace Prize, the President’s Patriot Prize, Martin Luther King’s International Service Leadership Prize and so on.

In 2008, the painting Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was sold for US$330,000 per square foot. Had the painting size been the full Eight-Chi (* translator’s note: the 8-Chi size is about 248cm x 129cm, which is one of the standard sizes for painting paper measured in chi, a Chinese measurement unit that is roughly equal to 30 cm), it would have been worth over 10 Million Dollars.

In 2010, an appraiser who was a certified IRS tax appraiser with expertise in appraisal certification in a legal court gave price appraisals to the paintings by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III from over US$200,000 per square foot to US$600,000. As such, the value of his large paintings at that time superseded 20 Million Dollars. Even the limited replications of His paintings (not the originals) could sell for US$300,000 to US$400,000 apiece.

In March 2015, the painting Ink Lotus-Scattered About in a Mess (roughly 138cm x 69cm) by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III became the price champion in New York’s Spring Auction and was sold for US$15 Million (or over 100 Million RMB). The following year, a smaller-sized painting, Loquat, was sold in an auction for US$10,050,000.

In May 2018, the U.S. raised the national flag in the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC to celebrate H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Birthday. At the same time, President Trump and the First Lady congratulated H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on His Birthday, and the U.S. Post published the First-Day Cover of the U.S. Capitol, raising the national flag and celebrating the Birthday of His Holiness the Buddha.

In 2014, the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Cultural and Art Museum was established in Los Angeles. On the day of its Grand Opening, seven vintage jet fighters from the Second World War specially flew over the museum and spewed color jets to congratulate its opening. Today, many countries have adopted the holy image of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for their formal postal stamps. (In 2019,) The International Education T.V. Station of China formally made a particular topic film titled Exploring its Root and Promoting True Buddha Dharma on H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as the Buddha.

Therefore, people should know that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not a mysterious anchoret in a dark mountain cave’s seclusion. Only H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been legally recognized as the supreme Buddha on earth. His holy level and Dharma state are beyond compare! He is a Tremendously Holy Guru born into the world of living beings, Who publicly faces living beings and edifies and saves living beings, just like Shakyamuni Buddha. The Buddha Dharma of the Absolute Truth Through Heart Sutra, taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, has the highest, purest, and most perfect meaning. It has no predecessor, and it illuminates future comers!

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the only Buddha who has vowed not to receive any offerings throughout His life and to only voluntarily benefit living beings by broadening Dharma and promoting good deeds. He has kept His promise for several decades so far without any violation. From ancient times till now, there has never been another recorded Buddhist leader with such altruistic holiness and purity—not even one.

In 2019, the World Peace Prize Awarding Committee conferred H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with the title and scepter of the “Pope of World Buddhism.” Facing such a world-class honor and status, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III refused to accept them. Because the World Buddhism Association Headquarters implored His Holiness the Buddha many times to no avail, they took the title and scepter on His behalf.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said solemnly, “I am only a practitioner of cultivation. What is all this talk of the Pope of World Buddhism? In Buddhist history, there have been Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajras, Arahats, Venerables, Dharma masters, Geshis, Khenpos, Archabbots, and Abbots. There has never been a Pope of Buddhism. Even if a Pope of Buddhism is conferred today, what will that do?

“The word Pope may mean an invaluable treasure to some other people. But to me, a humbled practitioner of cultivation, it is merely a joke! I am only a servant to living beings, and I want to do things that can practically benefit living beings. Even though my abilities are limited, I can do a bit with my good and benevolent heart. The World Buddhism Association Headquarters accepted the Pope’s scepter on my behalf, but I did not ask them to accept it. The Headquarters accepted it, so it is the Headquarters’ matter, and I have no authority to interfere with them. I am still me. At the Headquarters, I saw Shakyamuni Buddha sitting atop the scepter. At that time, I raised the scepter above my head to respect Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord of Buddhism. On the other hand, I will forever be the humbled cultivation practitioner.”

The words and deeds of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III show the unparalleled state of enlightenment a true Buddha has. When anyone praises H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III at any time, He does not have any attachment, and when anyone slanders H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His mind is not attached to anything. All of his vows and practical actions are for the benefit of living beings to liberate themselves. The Buddha Dharmas that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has are authentic, true Buddha Dharmas and great Dharmas that transcend all sects. He taught laymen Hou Yushan and Lin Liu Xiuhui and allowed them to visit the Ultimate World of Bliss to see Amitabha Buddha first, then return to the human world to prepare themselves before passing away at the predetermined times; He invited Amitabha Buddha to manifest presence and transmit a Dharma to layman Zhao Yusheng; The Elder Monk Yinhai practiced His Dharma and returned to a youthful appearance after passing in liberation; Shangzun Gar Tunstan practiced His Dharma and realized freedom over death and rebirth while leaving a written letter as a proof of punctual passing without the slightest error in time. So many other disciples practiced H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Dharmas to ascend to the Pure Land, leave non-decayable flesh, or fly away in rainbow bodies. With His essence of Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III deserves to be the Pope of World Buddhism.

In Lifting the Pestle Onto the Platform With One Hand, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III surpassed His base weight standard by 59 levels. Only One with Buddha’s level of Dharma capability and fundamental constitution can do that. No one else in the 7.7 Billion people on earth can lift the Vajra pestle weighing 59 levels more than the base weight standard onto the platform with one hand! Ms. Jin Yanping and Mr. Tsui Leitat, two persons who witnessed H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III lifting the pestle onto the platform, offered an award of 20 Million US Dollars publicly. They publicly announced that should anyone be able to break the record of surpassing the base weight standard by 59 levels that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III set, that person could take away this award. No one has been able to lift H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Vajra Pestle so far!

Some people think H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III lifted the Vajra Pestle with one hand off the ground for 13 seconds, but it only weighed 434.8 pounds, so what is the big deal? The world’s strongmen can lift 1,200 pounds with both hands! That saying is erroneous and not practically tried. In May 2004, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III lifted a 4,260 lb. lotus tub for bathing the Buddha, which 20 people could not lift, with both hands and poured the water into the pond. If we follow the logic above, wouldn’t 1200 pounds be too light compared to the Buddha-bathing lotus tub?

There is a strongman named Lu Xiao. He attended a strongman competition in Kuala Lumpur and won the title of Asia’s Champion of Strongmen. He is also the champion of tug-of-war in China. In the Spring Festival T.V. show in Liaoning, China 2014, he demonstrated pulling a train weighing 184 tons for 20 meters. Such a powerful strongman could only lift 208 pounds onto the platform with one hand using the Vajra Hook. You can imagine how tough it is to lift the pestle onto the platform.

The most practical and scientific way of verification is to surpass the base weight standard by 59 levels in Lifting the Pestle Onto the Platform. We should say that even if all the high monks and holy gurus from ancient times till now could come together to recognize H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as Buddha, that would still not be as ironclad proof as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Himself lifting the pestle onto the platform to verify His Buddha’s mental and physical corporeity and constitution! It is because a Bodhisattva must have Bodhisattva’s corporeity, and a Buddha must have Buddha’s constitution. Could an authentic Buddha or Bodhisattva have the same physical structure and components as ordinary people? If they are the same, wouldn’t they be ordinary people too? Those who claim to be the reincarnation of some Buddha, Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva or Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva but cannot surpass the base weight standard by 59 levels in Lifting Pestle Onto the Platform are liars who cheat people and steal fame! Anyone who cannot exceed the base weight standard by 50 levels does not have the component of an Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva or a Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva in his mind or body! Lifting Pestle Onto the Platform is the tangible, accurate, science-abiding way of examination that essentially proves things.

Therefore, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not a mysteriously capable anchoret in seclusion. On the contrary, He uses the perfect wisdom of the Five Vidyas, the ironclad proof of Buddha’s constitution, the unsurpassable holy and pure Buddha’s state of enlightenment, the most supreme and venerable status and prestige, with authentic Buddhism’s Buddha Dharma under his control, to publicly edify and save living beings in this world. Many living beings have already come to rely on H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and learned faithful Buddha Dharma to become liberated and attain accomplishment. Their bodies, minds, bones, and tendons are washed clean and transformed into holy capabilities. For example, Buddha’s disciple Kaichu Rinpoche, who has always followed H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for 21 years, learned H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Dharma and completely changed his body structure to obtain a holy constitution. In 2009, He revealed the power of “Tummo Concentration,” a faithful Buddha Dharma that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had transmitted to Him. He practiced the Dharma publicly, during which a high-tech infrared heat sensor detected the temperature of His abdomen quickly rose to 92 degrees Celsius! On May 27, 2020, Kaichu Jiaozun, who weighed 188 lbs and was only two years before turning 90, lifted the pestle that surpassed the base weight standard by 20 levels at the Holy Miracle Temple. He beat the level of Asia’s Champion of Strongmen, 36 in age and weighed 350 lbs, by a ratio of 5 to 1 and truly manifested that holy physical constitution surpasses ordinary people’s physical structure. Holy Guru Kaichu transformed into a sacred body with divine powers through practicing pure and authentic Buddha Dharma. His accomplishment is beyond the reach of any dharma king, rinpoche, or dharma master who does not have authentic Buddha Dharma. However, Kaichu Jiaozun’s Dharma capabilities are only at the medium level among all the disciples under H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. You can see from that how difficult it is to tell H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s great holy disciples’ holy capabilities and accomplishments!

More surprisingly, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III transformed His seventy or eighty-year-old looks into a young man’s face in over ten minutes. You may say that is nothing rare because there are medical esthetics, after all. Let’s temporarily put that aside and look at the following three things that absolutely only a Buddha can do:

  1. He sculpted the actual mist in the air into an artwork, and even a strong wind cannot blow it away. That artwork is currently on long-term public display at the International Art Museum of America.
  2. No one else among the 7.7 billion people on earth could break His record of surpassing the base weight by 59 levels in Lifting the Pestle Onto the Platform, the highest in the world!
  3. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III made a public vow in front of a congregation (evidenced in many Dharma Voice recordings of publicly expounding Buddha Dharma by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III more than twenty years ago).

He vowed to give people five years; in that time, if anyone raised any question that He could not answer, He would come down from the rostrum and no longer be qualified to teach Buddha Dharma! Other than a real Buddha, who could have such unparalleled holy wisdom? Each of these things truly exists objectively in reality. They are too astounding and recondite, too difficult to understand. There is only one reason for all of them: He is the Buddha! If you know that, you will be able to understand them easily.

(Eric C. Huang worked on the English translation of this news article on 2020-10-22. It was last revised on 2024-08-30.)


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